IABTC Supersniffers Scentwork, Training, and Canine Activities 

IABTC Supersniffers Scentwork, Training, and Canine Activities 


Scent Ops Information

Scent Ops Trials

 Scent Ops Operational style scentwork trials was set up by Jules Clapham

The scent work trials are based on operational style searching. There are progressive levels, starting at a basic introduction to searching areas and moving on to more complex areas, multiple hides and distraction odours. Win rosettes and earn points for their  league tables. There are completion certificates for each level and achievement awards.

Basic Information.

For full details see Scent Ops website. https://www.scentops.co.uk


6 Levels to work through

CLUB-Simple search to demonstrate odour recognition and confidence searching an indoor area. One hide, dogs can get to source. 3 minutes.

BRONZE-Simple search which can be either an indoor or outdoor area. Two hides, dog can get to source. 5 minutes.

SILVER-Two hides, set to encourage clearing of the area, which should be 'real life' and offer a fair challenge. 5 minutes.

GOLD- Three hides, one of which will present a significant challenge through hide placement or search area complexity. Hides can be inaccessible and vary in strength. 8 minutes.

PLATINUM-Complex area, up to four hides, not known to handler. Blank soaks and other distraction odours can be in the area. 10 minutes.

TITANIUM-Challenging search area, number of hides appropriate for the area, which must be cleared. Area may contain multiple distractions and odour amounts will vary. Search time to be determined by judge.

Dates for Trials will be listed Below

Scent Op Trial Dates

Dates for 2024

Saturday 1st June Crowle Peatland Railway. Inter club Trial

Bronze and Silver.

Breakfast and Lunch available


Scent Ops Trial

IABTC Supersniffers held a a Club and Bronze trail at

Crowle Peatland railway on June 2nd 2024

Thank you to all those who took part in this trial and thank you for being patient in waiting for this post due to me being on holiday immediately after the trial .

The trial was held at the above venue which is a working museum. We had the venue to ourselves and would like to thank the venue for their hospitality and laying on an excellent breakfast and lunch.

My thanks to Angus for organising the venue and food. Karen Holmes who was the time keeper and Paula Thorpe for being the scoreboard steward and working Thomas as our white dog, and Jayne Karen Butler for transferring the results sheets after each run to Paula the scoreboard steward.

The results of the trial are below and the write up for each trial is in the comments. For many of the participants this was their first trial and the teamwork shown was great to watch.

It was clear the feedback given in the Club in the morning had been received and acted on as the afternoon Bronze trail showed clear improvements.

Club 1/6/2024 am

1st Madaleine Hand with Fiddich 96

2nd Jan Smith with Isla 94

3rd Jude Hartley with Harry 89

4th Marion Proctor with Kelsea 89

5th Meryll Haige with Glen 81

6th Althea Green with Ollie 73


Bronze Trial 1/6/2024 pm

1st Jan Smith and Flora 94

2nd Debbie Dodds with Chester 91

3rd Jayne Butler with Ben 84

4th Debbie Glenister-Beale with Kya 84

5th Jan Smith with Isla 71

6th Jude Hartley with 60 Harry.

Diane Rhodes and Karen Holmes
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